Journal Publications
- Charles Darwin -
"I am turned into a sort of machine for observing facts and grinding out conclusions"
I. Buttinoni, M. Steinacher, H. Spanke, J. Pokki, S. Bahmann, B. Nelson, G. Foffi & L. Isa
Colloidal polycrystalline monolayers under oscillatory shear
Phys. Rev. E 95, 012610 (2017)
S. Ni, J. Leemann, I. Buttinoni, L. Isa & H. Wolf
Programmable colloidal molecules from sequential capillarity-assisted particle assembly
Science Advances 2(4), e1501779 (2016)
I. Buttinoni, Z. A. Zell, T. M. Squires & L. Isa
Colloidal binary mixtures at fluid-fluid interfaces under steady shear: structural, dynamical and mechanical
Soft Matter 11, 8313-8321 (2015)
DOI: 10.1039/c5sm01693b
I. Buttinoni, J. Bialké, F. Kümmel, H. Löwen, Clemens Bechinger & T. Speck
Dynamical Clustering and Phase Separation in Suspensions of Self-Propelled Colloidal Particles
Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 238301 (2013)
F. Kümmel, B. ten Hagen, R. Wittkowski, I. Buttinoni, R. Eichhorn, G. Volpe, H. Löwen & C. Bechinger
Circular Motion of Asymmetric Self-Propelling Particles
Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 198302 (2013)
I. Buttinoni, G. Volpe, F. Kümmel, G. Volpe & C. Bechinger
Active Brownian motion tunable by light
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 24, 284129 (2012)
S. Ni, E. Marini, I. Buttinoni, H. Wolf & L. Isa
Hybrid colloidal microswimmers through sequential capillary assembly
Soft Matter 13, 4252-4259 (2017)
DOI: 10.1039/C7SM00443E
L.Isa, I. Buttinoni, M. A. Fernandez-Rodriguez & S. A. Vasudevan
Two-dimensional assemblies of soft repulsive colloids confined at fluid interfaces
EPL 119, 26001 (2017)
S. Ni, I. Buttinoni, H. Wolf & L. Isa
Hybrid Colloids Produced by Sequential Capillarity-assisted Particle Assembly: A New Path for Complex
Chimia 71(6), 349-353 (2017)
K. Dietrich, D. Renggli, M. Zanini, G. Volpe, I. Buttinoni & L. Isa
Two-dimensional nature of the active Brownian motion of catalytic microswimmers at solid and liquid interfaces
New J. Phys. 19, 065008 (2017)
G. Volpe, I. Buttinoni, D. Vogt, H. Kümmerer & C. Bechinger
Microswimmers in Patterned Environments
Soft Matter 7, 8810-8815 (2011)
DOI: 10.1039/C1SM05960B
I. Buttinoni, J. Cha, W-H. Lin, S. Job, C. Daraio & L. Isa
Direct observation of impact propagation and absorption in dense colloidal monolayers
PNAS 114 (46) 12150-12155 (2017)
K. Dietrich, G. Volpe, M. N. Sulaiman, D. Renggli, I. Buttinoni, & L. Isa
Active Atoms and Interstitials in Two-Dimensional Colloidal Crystals
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 268004 (2018)
K. Dietrich, N. Jaensson, I. Buttinoni, G. Volpe, & L. Isa
Microscale Marangoni Surfers
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 098001 (2020)
M. A. Fernandez-Rodriguez, F. Grillo, L. Alvarez, M. Rathlef, I. Buttinoni, G. Volpe, & L. Isa
Feedback-controlled active brownian colloids with space-dependent rotational dynamics
Nat. Commun. 11, 4233 (2020)
Mechanical properties of colloidal crystals at fluid interfaces
J. Phys. Mater. 4, 025001 (2021)
I. Buttinoni, L. Caprini, L. Alvarez, F. J. Schwarzendahl & H. Löwen
Active Colloids in Harmonic Optical Potentials
EPL 140 27001 (2022)
K. Kuk, V. Abgarjan, L. Gregel, Y. Zhou, V. Carrasco Fadanelli, I. Buttinoni & M. Karg
Compression of colloidal monolayers at liquid interfaces: in situ vs. ex situ investigation
Soft Matter 19, 175-188 (2023)
DOI: 10.1039/D2SM01125E
V. Carrasco Fadanelli & I. Buttinoni
Sedimentation and levitation of catalytic active colloids
Phys. Rev. Res. 5, L012018 (2023)

V. M. S. G. Tanuku, P. Vogel, T. Palberg & I. Buttinoni
Island hopping of active colloids
Soft Matter 19, 5452-5458 (2023)
Minimal numerical ingredients describe chemical microswimmers’3-D motion
Nanoscale 16, 2444-2451 (2024)
V. Carrasco-Fadanelli, Y. Mao, T. Nakakomi, H. Xu, J. Yamamoto, T. Yanagishima & I. Buttinoni
Rotational diffusion of colloidal microspheres near flat walls
Soft Matter 20, 2024-2031 (2024)
Drying of Soft Colloidal Films
Advanced Science (2024)